Blog 2

Since I was in grade school, I have used Microsoft Word. I don't remember where I picked it up/learned it, but I remember using it to create little poems for class in 3rd grade. My experience with Word has always been somewhat good. Now that I have gotten older though, I prefer GoogleDocs when writing notes or doing an essay. I have always felt that Word always looked a little outdated, had too many steps you would have to go through to get something done, and all of the tools were always hidden. When using GoogleDocs it is easy to maneuver and is aesthetically also doesn't take awhile to load up like Microsoft Word. 

When looking at the ISTE Standards for Educators, the most meaningful standard to me would have to be, collaborator. This standard is important to me because as a teacher I want to be willing to not only teach my students, but also learn from them. I have always said that teachers aren't the educators, people are. As a teacher it is imperative to be constantly evolving by getting feedback from your students about their learning process as well as how they are feeling towards tests, lectures, quizzes, etc. 

I can agree with the term digital natives for today's youth, because based on the definition that is exactly what we are, a person who was born around technology and grew up working with it everyday. As I grew up I started to see how certain people in my life, specifically my educators, became digital immigrants. I would be in grade school and a teacher would have to ask the students to help her figure out how to connect the projector to the computer. Those types of  experiences impacted my learning experience because I begin to realize how important it was to not be afraid of new advancements and/or shy away from learning about them. As a digital native I believe when I become a teacher I will remain well versed with the technology needed to teach my class, I will train myself and not shy away from advancements for my career and my students.     


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